How much screentime is okay for my child? 



When Worries and Fears are a Problem and Anxiety Takes Over



Would you like to be the Better Parent who is able to set limits to help their child or young person to manage technology and have a more cooperative harmonious family, who can have enjoyable family time uninterrupted by conflict over screens or devices?

This guide will assist you to identify what you believe and where you stand on screen use and will help you to be more proactive in navigating your kid’s technology use.


This guide is a starting point in considering how much screen time is ok for your child. 

Let's Tame Technology together!

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While Dr Anna Cohen has a background as a psychologist, the services offered on this website and in any courses offered by the website are not a psychology service. Dr Cohen, and The Better Parent Academy, are not providing you with mental health treatment or psychological care, and you must ensure that you continue to engage with your current treating practitioners. Information on this website is general and educational in nature and is not adapted to your individual circumstances, so please ensure that any advice is appropriate for specific situation.