The 3 keys to get your child to hear you and follow your directions



If you are struggling as a parent and feeling overwhelmed.

Feeling as if you have tried everything to get your kids to listen and cooperate.

Yet you find that you always end up losing your patience yelling, bribing and threatening.

Then you are not alone.

Many parents experience this every day and long to find a better way. A way to get their child to cooperate without the stress and guilt that comes when their frustration and anger hijacks them.

Maybe you are desperately seeking the tools to make parenting easier. The tools to help you connect with your child. The techniques to help you settle your anger and the skills to help your child want to cooperate. The skills to manage your kids when life is tough.


Yes, That's Me!

This course gives busy parents the tools to help their child to want to cooperate and listen to you and teaches ways to strengthen your relationships with them whilst learning how to stay calm and not be hijacked by your anger.


It focuses on what works well and what mistakes to avoid in paying attention to our children and in the instructions that we give to them.  

What Others Are Saying:

"Recordings are so helpful. Really, Really useful stuff. It should be compulsory for parents."

"This is a great parenting framework that is translated so clearly to practical strategies for parents."

"Such practical and helpful advice for parents."

I'm Dr Anna Cohen


Dr. Anna Cohen trained as a Clinical Psychologist and is the mother of two young people.


She is the author of four best-selling parenting books and truly understands kids and parents!


She uses her clinical training and extensive reading in the field to translate proven science and child-development research into the practical educational solutions you need for the family life you want.

The 3 Better Parent keys which are a part of the Better Parent approach are a great starting place in taking some small steps to create big changes within your family.

I'm Ready

What's Inside:

Session 1


Introduction to the 3 Key Better Parent strategies

Session 2


Key 1: Acknowledgement-what we pay attention to we see more of

Session 3


Key 2: Instructions- the how to of effective instruction delivery

Session 4


Key 3: Staying Calm - strategies to not let anger hijack parenting

One Easy Payment


Australian Dollars

  • Delivered via 4 video presentations
  • Workbook to accompany the content presented

While Dr Anna Cohen has a background as a psychologist, the services offered on this website and in any courses offered by the website are not a psychology service. Dr Cohen, and The Better Parent Academy, are not providing you with mental health treatment or psychological care, and you must ensure that you continue to engage with your current treating practitioners. Information on this website is general and educational in nature and is not adapted to your individual circumstances, so please ensure that any advice is appropriate for specific situation.