Want to watch our FREE Masterclass - 8 Core Better Parent Skills?



Are you struggling with the seemingly endless duty of raising a child or a teen who appears to be tripping and stumbling through their childhood or adolescence? 


Yes! This is Me!

Are you struggling with the seemingly endless duty of raising a child or a teen who appears to be tripping and stumbling through their childhood or adolescence? 


I'm Dr Anna Cohen


Dr. Anna Cohen trained as a Clinical Psychologist and is the mother of two young people.


She is the author of four best-selling parenting books and truly understands kids and parents!


She uses her clinical training and extensive reading in the field to translate proven science and child-development research into the practical educational solutions you need for the family life you want.

Parenting requires not only love and dedication but also the right skills – with a little encouragement and some common-sense approaches, raising children and young people can be a wonderful experience, in which joy, fun and success far outweigh stress or difficulty.

If you’re struggling with the seemingly endless duty of raising a child or a teen who appears to be tripping and stumbling through their childhood or adolescence, remember that this is just a phase.

It may feel exhausting and arduous but I believe with a greater awareness and with the Better Parent strategies, the challenging periods can be shortened and the joy of family life increased.

If you’re struggling with the seemingly endless duty of raising a child or a teen who appears to be tripping and stumbling through their childhood or adolescence, remember that this is just a phase.

It may feel exhausting and arduous but I believe with a greater awareness and with the Better Parent strategies, the challenging periods can be shortened and the joy of family life increased.

Small Changes Big Impact Approach

The 'Small Changes Big Impact Approach' aims to assist you to move from feeling like your kids never listen, feeling out of control and endless conflict to being the best version of yourself as a parent.


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Most parents will agree that raising a child is the most challenging and multifaceted job we’ve ever done.

Many of us are thrown into parenthood without any caregiving experience, and the skills required to parent lovingly and effectively can seem endless and bewildering.

Many days, despite holding boundless love for our young person, it can feel like we’re just trying to make it to bedtime in one piece.

Parents often just don't know where to go to get solid, practical and real strategies that work!

Well look no further...


The Better Parent Academy


is full of simple and practical parenting strategies that are a solid set of tools to help parents conduct themselves in ways they can feel proud of, and to help them to create structure, peace, and stronger outcomes for their children over time.


I'm In
The Better Parent Master Course aims to give you an easy-to-follow parenting model and the skills needed to get your children and young people to listen and cooperate. 
This course offers simple and effective strategies that you can adopt, to help you to stay calm and to allow your relationship to be strengthened with children and young people. 
The skills are all-based on the current parenting research and best of all, they are tried and tested.

Imagine if you had the support and the skills to go from being a busy, struggling, stressed parent with kids who never listen and constantly argue to a calm, happy, empowered parent whose kids listen and want to do the right thing!


I'm Ready to Join Now!

What Others Are Saying:

"The tool kit is fantastic. People intuit that they are good parents. The light you shone is revolutionary"


Anna’s theory and model of parenting is so easy to follow and her way of sharing how to apply this to everyday parenting challenges makes so much sense. 

What's Inside:

Part 1


Introduction to the Better Parent foundation skills that will set you up for success. Because all of us are looking to do our best. 

Part 2


We will focus on the importance of reducing parental overwhelm and increasing parental wellbeing. Parents need to be well to be able to parent well. 

Part  3


We will give you practical skills to help improve your child’s behaviour and willingness to cooperate.  Children want to do the right thing, but they need help too!

Part 4

We will give you simple and effective steps to help manage difficult behaviour in your children and young people. We all need support in managing the tricky times with our kids.
The course is delivered by video presentations, a supporting workbook and access to the private Better Parent facebook parent group where you are part of a supportive community and have the opportunity to ask specific questions which will be answered each week.
The course includes 3 Coaching Sessions with Dr Anna Cohen - valued at $1200.

"I have been able to apply the Better Parent Model and am now seeing the results of my hard work. It’s although it’s not magic it sure helps to be clearer in what I am doing as a parent."



"I have such a strong understanding now and the steps to be a 'better parent!'"




Parenting Sons

Valued at $397


Parenting Daughters

Valued at $397

Pay in Full

$997 AUD

One Easy Payment

  • Delivered via 23 video presentations
  • Workbook to accompany the content presented
  • Lifetime Access
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Includes 3 Coaching sessions - valued at $1200
  • BONUS Masterclasses - Parenting Sons and Parenting Daughters

Payment Plan

$365 AUD

3 x Monthly Payments

  • Delivered via 23 video presentations
  • Workbook to accompany the content presented
  • Lifetime Access
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Includes 3 Coaching sessions - valued at $1200
  • BONUS Masterclasses - Parenting Sons and Parenting Daughters

*Discounts will be applied at checkout by using the discount code provided.


"This course has been life changing to me and I now know what it takes to be a Better Parent!"


I'm Ready!


While Dr Anna Cohen has a background as a psychologist, the services offered on this website and in any courses offered by the website are not a psychology service. Dr Cohen, and The Better Parent Academy, are not providing you with mental health treatment or psychological care, and you must ensure that you continue to engage with your current treating practitioners. Information on this website is general and educational in nature and is not adapted to your individual circumstances, so please ensure that any advice is appropriate for specific situation.