How much screen time is okay?

How do I manage my child's tech use?

What rules should I set?


If you are struggling with any of these questions then this masterclass is for you.

Yes! This is Me!

How much screen time is okay?

How do I manage my child's tech use?

What rules should I set?


If you are struggling with any of these questions then this masterclass is for you.


Welcome to a journey that many of us are navigating together—

the world of parenting in the digital age.


The modern world is becoming increasingly technology based and as a parent today you are among the first in the history of humankind to have to make the decision on how damaging or beneficial screen time is for our children or young people and this can be incredibly overwhelming as a parent to navigate. 

Taming Technology Masterclass

Taming Technology Masterclass

In this masterclass, I aim to answer your questions, offer practical solutions and share non-clinical strategies to navigate your kid's tech use.

In Taming Tech we discuss communication, setting effective limits, ensuring safety, and fostering a relationship that encourages openness.


Join Now

I'm Dr Anna Cohen


Dr. Anna Cohen trained as a Clinical Psychologist and is the mother of two young people.


She is the author of four best-selling parenting books and truly understands kids and parents!


She uses her clinical training and extensive reading in the field to translate proven science and child-development research into the practical educational solutions you need for the family life you want.

By the end of this journey, my hope is ...

You'll feel empowered and well-equipped with the tools to guide not just your kids but your whole family
To show you ways to avoid power struggles and conflict about technology and ways to ask questions and have open conversations whilst upholding strong relationships with your kids.
To share with you, ways to foster a willingness in your young people to come to you when they feel unsafe, when something is wrong or when they have made bad decisions in this arena.
To share how to have the hard conversations whilst keeping your relationship with your young person strong.

All the tools I share are aimed towards helping to

deepen your relationships with your kids,

find more balance, and

really enjoy the time

you have with your children and reduce the conflict and tension around screen time and technology!


I'm Ready to Join Now!

What Others Are Saying:

"I made a family tec contract with my kids after doing your course and my kids have stopped fighting me!"


“It still isn’t perfect in my family but we sure are fighting less since I did your course and got clearer on my tec limits and created my family plan.

Thanks for your words of wisdom, tips and pointers.  

What's Inside:

Session 1



Session 2


The Science

Session 3


Common Mistakes We Make

Session 4

Different Types of Screen Time and Their Risks

Session 5

Finding the Balance

Session 6

Deciding on the Limits

Session 7

Implementing Limits

Session 8

Being Tech Safe

"I was so in the dark about how to exist happily with technology in my family. Your courses have guided me in the right direction.

Thank you so much for helping me."

Pay in Full

$99 AUD

One Easy Payment

  • Delivered via 8 video presentations
  • Workbook to accompany the content presented
  • Lifetime Access

While Dr Anna Cohen has a background as a psychologist, the services offered on this website and in any courses offered by the website are not a psychology service. Dr Cohen, and The Better Parent Academy, are not providing you with mental health treatment or psychological care, and you must ensure that you continue to engage with your current treating practitioners. Information on this website is general and educational in nature and is not adapted to your individual circumstances, so please ensure that any advice is appropriate for specific situation.