When you are living with a more anxious child, parenting can be particularly challenging.


If you are parenting an anxious and fearful child or young person then this online masterclass is for you!


When you are living with a more anxious child, parenting can be particularly challenging.


If you are parenting an anxious and fearful child or young person then this online masterclass is for you!


When a child or young person perceives the world to be scarier or more dangerous than others we need specific skills to parent them effectively and these skills can be hard to acquire as a parent!


Childhood anxiety can worsen as children grow and left untreated anxiety can impact both physical and emotional health. As parents we have a very powerful role in helping our kids in breaking down anxiety and building courage. 

Taming Your Child’s Worries and Fears Online Masterclass

This masterclass shares ideas to incorporate into your parenting that will help your child manage their anxiety on their own or in a more effective and successful way and will help you learn ways to support your child with their anxiety.


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I'm Dr Anna Cohen


Dr. Anna Cohen trained as a Clinical Psychologist and is the mother of two young people.


She is the author of four best-selling parenting books and truly understands kids and parents!


She uses her clinical training and extensive reading in the field to translate proven science and child-development research into the practical educational solutions you need for the family life you want.

You have the power to positively influence and assist your child to become less anxious and more resilient.

In this masterclass I will teach you:

How to recognise the warning signs of anxiety. 

The three elements of anxiety. 

Parenting strategies to support anxious children and how to fight fear by facing fear.

Step by step plan for handling your child’s worries and anxiety.

What Others Are Saying:

"The courses are so helpful as they give me a structure to work within.

I now know what to say and am looking for those moments to help the kids learn.

Keeping the focus on the positive is a good lesson.

I now see more of what I want to see."


“We all feel guilt at times. As parents I think we emulate what our parents did. Rightly or wrongly.

Since finding the Better Parent Academy I now know what is right as a parent and I see such a difference in my kids as a result.

Parenting is no longer a chore!” 

One thing that struggling busy parents of anxious children tell me is that they are stressed and feel overwhelmed and don’t know how to help their child manage their fears and worries.

This overwhelming feeling is understandable because parenting a child with anxiety can be a tough job and you may be feeling helpless and don’t know what to do.

This masterclass will provide you with simple step by step practical advice that will help you to make changes in your parenting that can have a positive impact on your child and your family.

You have the power to positively influence and assist your child to become less anxious and more resilient.


I'm Ready

What's Inside:

Session 1


Delves into understanding anxiety and its manifestations in children.

Session 2


Explores the three elements of anxiety (physiological, cognitive, and behavioural) and equips parents with strategies to manage their child’s anxiety.

Session 3


Covers the steps to realistic thinking and aiding children with their cognitive challenges.

Session 4

Provides parenting strategies to assist your child in managing their emotional responses to triggers.

Session 5

Concentrates on promoting courageous behaviour by reinforcing non-anxious behaviour and addressing anxious behaviour.

Session 6

Focuses on exposure, emphasising the concept of confronting fear to overcome it.

Session 7

Outlines a step-by-step plan for handling your child’s anxiety and guidance on when to seek professional help for your child’s anxiety.

Pay in Full

$99 AUD

One Easy Payment

  • Delivered via 7 video presentations
  • Workbook to accompany the content presented
  • Lifetime Access

While Dr Anna Cohen has a background as a psychologist, the services offered on this website and in any courses offered by the website are not a psychology service. Dr Cohen, and The Better Parent Academy, are not providing you with mental health treatment or psychological care, and you must ensure that you continue to engage with your current treating practitioners. Information on this website is general and educational in nature and is not adapted to your individual circumstances, so please ensure that any advice is appropriate for specific situation.